連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT7_uiRp_9M (因版權問題無法插入)
(Yeah-yeah, oh, I...)
[Verse 1]
Hazy, this love I be getting is tasty
I'm rocking in my faith and
We kicking it in the basement, down we go
我們在地下室裡尋歡作樂 跟我走
*kick it: to relax somewhere, usually with other people, not doing anything in particular在某處放鬆,通常會和其他人一起,但沒有特定做什麼事情*
Plan B - Take me down to Murphy's
另一個備案 帶我去johnston & murphy
*不太確定這邊翻譯的Murphy's的詮釋對不對,按語意來說應該是指某間很貴的商店,而johnston & murphy 產品定位也多為精品*
Buy me things, I know I'm worthy
為我豪擲千金 因我是無價之寶
And I deserve it, I know I do
我絕對值得 我心知肚明
The room's getting crowded
這間屋子的人漸漸多了起來 摩肩接踵
Don't crash my party, no
別破壞我的派對 別想
Nah, you were not invited
不 我不歡迎你
Come on, don't get me started
少來 別讓我出面趕人
Said ooh-ooh-ooh, stop, boy bye
對你說 停 男孩再見
Don't talk to me, why you so pushy baby?
別跟我說話 為什麼你這麼咄咄逼人
Stand back, don't speak, 'cause you ain't getting with me
退後 別說話 我們的關係有些劍拔弩張
*be/get in with someone: to be or become popular or friendly with someone
Why you looking so dumb?
Did you come to get some?
Well it ain't coming from me
既然如此 我可不會這麼容易讓你得逞
Don't talk to me, huh, boy bye
別跟我說話 嘖 出去
Ah, na-na-na-na-na
Ah, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Don't talk to me
Ah, na-na-na-na-na
Ah, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Don't talk to me
Stop, boy bye
停 你出局了
[Verse 2]
Flеxing, you tryna get all your friends in
Calling up your whole gang
Thе doors are closed, no slipping, no-no, no way
大門已經緊鎖 別想混跡其中 想都別想
Get out, don't you know it's my house?
滾出這裡 你知不知道這是我家
You're talking too much and so loud
Shut your mouth and get out, just go away
閉上你的嘴然後出去 給我滾出去
The room's getting crowded
Don't crash my party, no
別破壞氣氛 別想
Nah, you were not invited
不 你沒有被邀請
Come on, don't get me started
少來 別逼我又來那一套
Said ooh-ooh-ooh, stop, boy bye
對你說 停 出去
Don't talk to me, why you so pushy baby?
別跟我說話 為什麼你這麼步步緊逼
Stand back, don't speak, 'cause you ain't getting with me
退後 閉嘴 我們的關係沒你想的這麼好
Why you looking so dumb?
Did you come to get some?
Well it ain't coming from me
Don't talk to me, huh, boy bye
別跟我說話 嘖 出去
Ah, na-na-na-na-na
Ah, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Don't talk to me
Ah, na-na-na-na-na
Ah, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Don't talk to me
The room's getting crowded
Don't crash my party, no
別毀壞我的派對 別想
Nah, you were not invited
不 你沒有被邀請
Come on, don't get me started
少來 別逼我出面趕人
Said ooh-ooh-ooh, stop, boy bye
對你說 停 男孩再見
[Chorus 2]
Ah, na-na-na-na-na
Ah, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Don't talk to me
Ah, na-na-na-na-na
Ah, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
Don't talk to me
- hazy (adj.)朦朧的;模糊的
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 遠處的群山在霧靄之中。
- worthy (adj.)值得尊敬的
- be worthy of 值得
- pushy (adj.)執意強求的
- a pushy salesman 咄咄逼人的銷售員
- Did you come to get some? Well it ain't coming from me
- 這一句後半句的it指的是前面那句的get some中的some,我認為結合前面有點不快的語氣可能帶有一點挑釁的意味,這個some可能是主角是女主人想要得到她的派對入場許可,但女主角拒絕了。(也有可能是在調情,此時some的意思可能就是正式交往許可)
【中文翻譯】繼續用你拙劣的謊言欺騙我~Lana Del Rey-Breaking My heart
【中文翻譯】不自由,毋寧死~Alessia Cara - Wild Things
【中文歌詞】致那些褪色的記憶~one direction: story of my life